Stationery Box

The wooden boxes sold here are originally designed to store calligraphy and Japanese painting tools such as brushes and ink stones. The surfaces of these traditional Japanese-style boxes are adorned with patterns and decorations, combining functionality with beauty.
“Urushi-nuri” is a craft technique involving the application of lacquer, a natural resin called urushi, onto surfaces of objects or utensils to provide protection and enhance their beauty. Lacquer has been widely used in Japan and East Asia since ancient times, offering durability and waterproofing properties to materials such as wood and metal.

The process of “urushi-nuri” typically follows these steps:

1. Surface preparation: The surface of the object to be lacquered is polished or primed to create an ideal surface for the lacquer to adhere to.
2. Base coating: The first layer of lacquer, serving as a base, is applied to protect the surface and enhance adhesion.
3. Intermediate coatings: Multiple intermediate layers are applied to achieve a smooth surface. This stage begins to reveal the glossy finish characteristic of lacquer.
4. Top coating: A final layer is applied for finishing touches, improving the beauty and durability of the lacquer coating.
5. Drying and polishing: The lacquered object is allowed to dry thoroughly, then polished to enhance its gloss and achieve a beautiful finish.

“Urushi-nuri” is used in various fields such as traditional Japanese crafts, furniture, and tableware, where its advanced techniques and beautiful finishes are highly valued. Additionally, due to its durability and aesthetic appeal, lacquer is widely utilized in modern design and architecture

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