Haori Men’s

Men’s haori outerwear comes in a variety of materials. Below are some common materials and features:
Traditional Japanese kimono outerwear (haori):
Silk (kinu): Silk, known for its smooth and elegant luster, is commonly used in traditional Japanese outerwear. Silk haori is considered suitable for formal occasions and ceremonial wear.
Cotton (wata): For summer and casual occasions, breathable and cool cotton outerwear is often chosen. Light and comfortable, cotton haori is suitable for everyday wear with traditional Japanese clothing.
Wool (ke): During colder seasons, warm woolen outerwear is popular. Outerwear made from wool or alpaca fibers provides excellent insulation against the cold. They’re also recommended for women, as men’s haori tend to be oversized, providing a comfortable and relaxed fit, suitable for women who prefer loose clothing.

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