Juban Women's

Women’s juban is an essential undergarment when wearing a kimono. Its roles include protecting the skin from friction with the kimono fabric, absorbing sweat and oils to keep the kimono clean, and ensuring the kimono fits snugly to prevent it from slipping.Soft to the touch, juban offers a comfortable fit and beautifully drapes the kimono. Its thick fabric is ideal for colder seasons, adding warmth and elegance to the kimono ensemble.” Additionally, the collar and cuffs of the juban may be visible, making it important for enhancing the overall beauty of the kimono ensemble. Therefore, juban is indispensable in completing a woman’s kimono attire.

“Nylon juban is an innerwear worn beneath traditional Japanese kimono as an undergarment. Nylon juban offers several advantages compared to traditional cotton or silk juban.

1. Lightweight: Nylon is incredibly lightweight and soft, providing comfort when worn. This makes it particularly convenient during hot seasons like summer when wearing a kimono.

2. Quick-drying: Nylon material dries quickly, making it easy to launder and ready for reuse swiftly. This is beneficial for those who wear kimonos regularly.

3. Durability: Nylon is strong and durable, outlasting cotton or silk materials and enduring frequent wear and washing.

4. Wrinkle-resistant: Nylon material tends to resist wrinkles, contributing to the overall appearance of the kimono.

However, nylon juban may lack breathability compared to traditional cotton or silk, potentially causing discomfort, especially in hot weather. In such cases, opting for nylon materials with enhanced breathability or other fabric choices might be preferable.

Overall, nylon juban serves to adapt traditional Japanese kimono to modern lifestyles and simplify kimono care.”

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