
We have obijime 140cm-175cm, Silk, made in Japan / By click “additional_information” of each product, you can confirm the length of each obijime. For those with larger body sizes, please choose a longer length. / Obi-jime’ is a long, narrow accessory used to tie and decorate the obi (sash) of a kimono.”Jime” is derived from the Japanese word “shimeru” meaning “to tighten.” Originally, it is a thigh band used to prevent the shape of the obi from becoming disheveled, but it also entertains viewers with its fashionable colors and designs.
There are two types of obi ties for kimono: the round core type and the flat core type.
1. Round Core Type:
This type of obi tie has a round core in the center, allowing for smooth curves when wrapping the obi and resulting in a beautiful knot for the kimono. The core is typically made of a soft material.
2. Flat Core Type:
The flat core type features a flat core, usually made of a rigid material. It provides more stability and security for the obi knot, ensuring the obi stays in place securely. Additionally, it has anti-slip properties.
These differences allow for the selection of the appropriate obi tie based on the kimono’s attire and dressing style.

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