Wool Juban Women

Wool juban for women is keeping the skin dry. Soft to the touch, it offers a comfortable fit and beautifully drapes the kimono. Its thick fabric is ideal for colder seasons, adding warmth and elegance to the kimono ensemble.
“Woolen juban is a type of undergarment worn beneath the traditional Japanese garment known as a kimono. It provides warmth during cold seasons while also absorbing sweat and helping to keep the skin dry. Below, I will provide a detailed explanation of how woolen juban for women is used, its materials, and its history.”

1. Material: Woolen juban is made from wool, which comes from sheep. Various types of wool are used, but commonly, Merino wool or Cashmere are preferred for their softness and comfort.
2. Usage: Woolen juban is worn as an undergarment beneath kimono, the traditional Japanese garment. By wearing it directly against the skin under the kimono, it absorbs sweat and oils, preventing them from soiling the kimono. Additionally, it provides warmth, particularly in colder seasons.
Juban is worn in a way that it doesn’t show from the collar or sleeves of the kimono, hence typically chosen in white or skin tones. However, colored and differently designed juban have gained popularity recently.
3. History :The history of juban dates back to ancient times, with records of its existence in Japan since the Nara period. Initially made from materials like cotton or silk, modern innovations introduced new materials like wool. The demand for woolen juban rose, especially in colder regions and with the spread of heating systems during winters.
In contemporary times, woolen juban has evolved in line with changes in traditional kimono culture and lifestyle. The diversification in design and material offers more comfort and fashion-forward options.
Woolen juban remains an essential part of Japan’s traditional kimono culture, offering comfort and functionality. Its continued popularity reflects its adaptability to modern needs and preferences.

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